

In this section you’ll discover the latest developments in sustainable packaging solutions. Find out how to understand your obligations regarding waste reduction, and how your business can reduce its use of plastics.

Stretching to Meet the Plastic Waste Challenge

Pallet-wrapping in the UK uses over 140 million tonnes of plastic each year and a huge percentage of that is waste. The cost is massive, in money and environmental impact. So, what can we do to minimise plastic usage and waste without compromising stability?

How can businesses reduce plastic

Plastics are a synthetic material made from a wide range of polymers, and can be moulded into a variety of different shapes and forms. As such, one form of plastic can look and feel completely different to another form.

Atlanta and Extremus – A Greener Pallet

Hazel 4D are once again demonstrating the outstanding results that are achievable with Atlanta Pallet Wrapping Machines. By combining the superior performance of the Atlanta pallet wrapping machines, with the Extremus advanced Nano technology machine films, we are providing our customers with a greener, more efficient pallet.

Are You Aware of Your Packaging Waste Obligations?

If your business has a turnover of £2 million or above and you handled over 50 tonnes of packaging in the last calendar year, you should be abiding by the Packaging Waste Regulations.

How Can E-commerce Retailers Reduce Packaging Waste?

Amazon and other popular drop-shipping services have been gaining in popularity as consumers and businesses begin to realise the benefits and convenience. But what new and emerging methods are there to reduce waste from delivery services?

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