

In this section you will find all the latest videos from Hazel 4D. From product demos to customer testimonials to videos on our brand journey.

VIDEO – Gummed Paper Tape Machine

Our efficient electric gummed paper tape dispenser is the ideal solution for any fast-paced packing environment. Use with recyclable gummed paper tape to achieve a tamper-evident seal, perfect for sealing boxes securely.

VIDEO – LockedAir™ Air Pillow and Cushion Voidfill Systems

Locked Air™ cushions and pillows are perfect for e-commerce, filling gaps and providing a cushioned layer to protect products in transit.

VIDEO – Collecting Locked Air™ cushions using a winder cart

Keep your air cushions in a neat roll by using the LAWC winder cart with the Locked Air™ machine. The cart winds the air cushions into a roll as they are produced for easy storage and transportation.

VIDEO – How To Overpack Effectively

When a product is shipped through the carrier network, it is picked up and put down a minimum of 14 times on its way to a customer. This significantly increases the risk of damage to a product. Find out how to overpack effectively while reducing damages and returns.

VIDEO – Self Adhesive Cardboard Shipping Boxes and Bookwraps

Our self-adhesive cardboard boxes and book-wraps take a load off, offering safe, secure packaging in seconds, with no need for extra taping.

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